"Having a viable business strategy is fundamental to the success of organizations facing increased competition, shifting customer demands, globalization, new markets and economic pressures. But having a strategy is not enough. Organizations must be able to execute against that strategy and demonstrate quantitative, measurable value...
Business Architecture is an enabler to your organization's capability to manage change and the challenges of change. To get all key stakeholders on board and demonstrate efforts are contributing toward a valuable goal, you need a well-defined, documented, and visible strategic plan using business architecture..."
Périé Jean-François's insight:
A travers une présentation succincte de quelques études de cas, le document d’IAG Consulting sensibilise le lecteur aux bénéfices concrets qui résultent de la définition et de l’utilisation de la Business Architecture pour réaliser sa stratégie d’entreprise. Pour chacun des cas exposés, l’article identifie les composants clés de la Business Architecture impliqués dans l’analyse du problème et de sa solution...